Mac Security Checklist

Printable Mac Security Checklist

It isn’t easy to make sure you are safe and secure while using your Mac online. There are a lot of basic security techniques you need to implement. Here is a checklist to help. Download it and print it out.

Hopefully, you are already doing many of these things. But if you are missing some, don’t panic. Set out to learn about each one and check it off as you learn about it and get it going. Once you have completed the checklist you’ll be much more secure than the typical computer user and able to use your Mac and the Internet with confidence. Then keep the list around to remind you of what you need to continue to do every day to keep safe.

Comments: 13 Responses to “Mac Security Checklist”

    Ian MacGregor
    6 years ago

    I just bought a MacBook Pro and FileVault is off. My machine is operating perfectly and I was wondering if turning on FileVault causes macOS Mojave to run slower. Thank you for this wonderful security checklist!

    6 years ago

    Ian: Any recent MacBook Pro won't run noticeably slower with FileVault.

    Diane E Byrd
    6 years ago

    Is Mackeeper a program you recommend?

    6 years ago

    Diane: Absolutely NOT. Just do a quick search on MacKeeper and you'll find lots of people asking how to uninstall it or warning you about it. You don't need any "cleaning" or maintenance software like that. macOS does everything you need on its own. Some of these apps are just a waste of money, others are a nuisance, and some are malware themselves. Stay away. See Do You Need a Mac Cleaning Program?.

    Diane E Byrd
    6 years ago

    Thanks so much Gary I almost purchased it and decided I should check with the experts first... Mackeeper want you to think that you highly recommend them... so glad I didn't buy it... again thanks so much !!

    Bob Smailes
    6 years ago

    Relating to MacKeeper - totally agree with Gary and also avoid all similar programs.

    John Troup
    6 years ago

    This article is good for day to day operations, but is there an application or process to do a clean up or check for viruses that could be harmful. You see the ads for MacKeeper and I agree that is a scam. I run a disk utility, first aid everyday, but is that enough? Thank you.

    6 years ago

    John: macOS already comes with checks for that at a system level. No need to run Disk Utility First Aid every day at all -- should only be run if there is a problem. No need for a "maintenance app" either. Just follow my three rules and you shouldn't ever run into a problem.

    Doug Caldwell
    6 years ago

    Great advice, Gary. But the local independent authorized Mac repair guy says there is malware that hides in the fonts of Macs. He charges $80 to de-malware the laptop. Since he's an authorized repair operation and has been in business for years, I want to trust him. But $80 bucks hurts when it comes out of the wallet. How accurate is this and if so, is there a program I could download to find and remove malware?

    6 years ago

    Doug: Hides in fonts? I haven't heard of anything like that and a search turns up nothing. Even if that were true, then what makes you think YOU have malware? What was your original reason for even consulting the guy?

    6 years ago

    Sluggish performance on MacBook Pro and on a mini. Now the iMac seems to be dragging its feet.

    6 years ago

    Doug: I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that it is malware. Not at all. Can you take them to the Genius Bar for free help? Probably just a lack of free storage, aging hard drives, or a third-party app that is bogging things down.

    6 years ago

    Doug: your repair guy is absolutely lying to you, or he's simply ignorant. Given that he's probably regularly charging people $80 to "de-malware" people's Macs, I'd bet money that he's just flat-out lying.

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