Creating Links Directly To System Settings

You can use Shortcuts and URL Schemes to create quick links directly to parts of System Settings. You can put these links in the Menu Bar, Dock, or create a keyboard shortcut. You can also do this on the iPhone and iPad. For the list of links, see

For the list of links, see

Comments: 10 Responses to “Creating Links Directly To System Settings”

    Jim E Goddard
    2 months ago

    Another great video.

    Joel D Canfield
    2 months ago

    My Mini is old; still running Monterey. Is it possible these shortcuts/links won't work on Monterey? I've tried opening with Terminal, and creating a shortcut in the app, and both open the System Settings, but don't go to the correct setting.

    I put this in Terminal

    open ""

    and used only the part inside the quotes for the URL in the Shortcuts app.

    Chris C.
    2 months ago

    Nice work Gary! This is the kind of content that keeps me watching these videos. Question: Since Settings is an app, I'm assuming that other apps must also use URL schemes? How can I find the URLs (URIs?), and how to use them? I love the idea of creating a shortcut that takes me to a specific place within an app.

    2 months ago

    Joel: Yes, these wouldn't be the correct URLs for an older system.

    2 months ago

    Chris: Yes, some other apps use URL Schemes. Finding them is a matter of exhaustive searches on the web, if they are even posted at all.

    Art Busbey
    2 months ago

    Thanks Gary. I had absolutely no idea one could do this.

    Kim Harris
    3 weeks ago

    Great video - Thanks! I have watched several of your video in the past but never subscribed because they solved an issue and I was on a deadline of some sort. Anyhow, I have now subscribed and will explore your web pages.

    One question regarding this video. I am trying to create a shortcut to HIDE MY EMAIL but the closest I can get is to open the iCloud menu in System Settings, but I still have to Click on the Hide My Email button which sounds enormously lazy.... Thanks again!

    3 weeks ago

    Kim: That's probably as close as you can get to that screen. Anyway, thanks for your support!

    1 week ago

    Is there a way to link one step further to Full Disk Access?

    1 week ago

    Steve: check in the web page I link to and see. If not, then probably not but you can experiment.

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