Check out the rest of the videos in this special course: The Practical Guide To Mac Security.
Some sites and services still use security questions. If you are forced to provide answers to these, you should never use real answers.
You can also watch this video at YouTube (but with ads).
Thanks Gary, how about I use the same number combination no matter the question?
Paul: Less secure obviously, and you have to look it up anyway, so why not separate ones?
Hi Garry
Re passwords: I already have used passwords related to name, make of car etc.. Can you change these, or will alternative gobbledigook numbers and letters allow me to get into
a site that requires answers.
It's all a bit confusing.
Thanks for your help
Poppy: Yes, of course you can change these. And you SHOULD. Just go to whatever site you mean, look for a way to change your answers, and set them up with numbers or something else like I propose in the video.
Do you have ay thoughts on the use of a VPN? I'm very new to security of my Mac products. Thank you for your help.
Alison: VPN will be addressed later in the course.
Hi Gary. What about this for PW security. At each log-in click on ‘forgot password’. The new one to use will be sent automatically to your email address. Probably only practical for websites one only used occasionally?
Hubert: Very inconvenient and tine-consuming, yes. Rarely should a site ever send you a new password via email today. More likely they will send you a password reset link. You'd click that link and then have to create a new password.
So many discussions on Social Media are phishing attempts. Looking at how often the list of common Security Questions match these discussions is alarming. these threads need to be stopped.