Pages Shape and Image Placement and Wrapping

When you add a shape or image to a Pages word processing document the object will be anchored to the text, which will wrap around it. You can change the object's settings so it stays on the page or is inline with text. You can also change how text wraps around the object.

Comments: 12 Responses to “Pages Shape and Image Placement and Wrapping”

    11 months ago

    Wow-just fantastic. you gave us so much more than I expected. Going to put it to use- right now. THANK YOU!

    11 months ago

    Once again, I learn I've been using about 75% of the functionality of this feature. Thanks for kicking it up a notch!

    Colin McKinney
    11 months ago

    I often need to change the text wrap to None. Is there a way of making this the default, instead of Automatic?

    11 months ago

    Colin: No. But you can always copy and paste (or Option+drag) to duplicate an existing element that has text wrap set to none. You can even store samples in another document to copy and paste. See

    11 months ago

    Wish I'd received this email yesterday - would have had a few more hours sleep last night. Thank you very helpful. Can these features be used within a table?

    11 months ago

    Carmel: No, in a table the image would just be "in" a cell, so there's no wrapping or anything involved.

    11 months ago

    Very helpful, been switching over from Word over the last few weeks and these tips are proving very useful.

    11 months ago

    I learned a great many things from your excellent tutorial. One item you did not mention in the ARRANGE tab is that little spin box labeled "Alpha." Can you please explain the function of that box. Thanks!

    11 months ago

    Lucas: That will attempt to use the alpha channel (or background removal) to wrap the text around the shape of the image, if there is one.

    11 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    Emanuele Guerrieri Ciaceri
    10 months ago

    Thanks Gary. It seems that the "align" button put the object to the edges of the paper when left or right are selected. Is
    Is there a way to make the button align an object to the edge of the text instead of the outer edges of the paper?

    10 months ago

    Emanuele: Just drag it there and have it snap to the edge.

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