Using Links in Mac Numbers

You can use links in a Numbers document to link between sheets, start email messages and phone calls, and also link to web pages. You can also use the HYPERLINK function to create dynamic links with values from other cells.

Comments: 8 Responses to “Using Links in Mac Numbers”

    9 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    9 months ago

    I truly learn something new with each video that you create. Sometimes we just need to see it in action and it all starts to make sense. Great video.

    Cheryl Fleming
    9 months ago

    Wow. Great video. Thank you!

    7 months ago

    Hi Gary, I may have asked about this in the past. It's a shame we can't create an hyperlink to a file on your computer, as you can in Excel. It's great for creating a link to a report or something else in a database listing. I even tried in Finder to right-click on a file in the path window at the bottom and select "Copy as Pathname" and pasting that into Numbers but it does not format it as an hyperlink. BTW I've submitted this as a feature request to Apple.

    7 months ago

    One nice thing about getting old is I re-discover things I saw before :) thx

    James Dixon
    2 months ago

    is it possible to create dynamic links to sheet sin a 'workbook'; in number, where the name of the sheet is contained within a Cell?

    Eg if a Cell contains the value 'Town'.. clicking on it will open the Sheet that is called 'Town'.

    I know I can add these links manually to each cell, but i was wondering if there is a way it can be done dynamically, as I have 100 seperate sheets and cant face manually adding 100 individual links to each cell.


    2 months ago

    James: Maybe something like this?

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