Link From Document to Document On Your Mac

There is no native functionality to link from inside one document to another. However, you can use a clever Shortcut to allow this. You can link from inside a Pages document to another Pages document, or to a Numbers file, or Numbers to Numbers, and so on.

Comments: 11 Responses to “Link From Document to Document On Your Mac”

    Claudio Silvaggi
    6 months ago

    Awesome... thanks brother!

    6 months ago

    Thx Gary, I remember asking you this question on how to link a cell in Numbers to a file. I made a suggestion on this to Apple. As a long time Excel user, which has this functionality built-in, I used this feature a lot, for example when I created a list of reports in Excel and hyperlinked them to the actual file. Surprised that Apple hasn't built this in their apps.

    6 months ago

    Gary: I appreciate the effort you made in this video, explaining all the false paths that you had to traverse to get to the solution. I have processes that I struggle to recall, and this technique allows me to document them with a control panel that allows me direct observation of the parts of a flow, with directories, apps, files, config files, and the like to have better visibility into the processes I am creating.

    6 months ago

    Hey Gary, Is there a chance you could share some of the URL schemes for other applications? Like Contacts and Photos.

    Dan Perry
    6 months ago

    Gary - thanks for this! I see all kinds of dashboard uses and file linking! Can we do backlinks as well? Great job, Gary … as usual !

    6 months ago

    Aeryn: Just search on the web for them. There is a complex command you can use to list them all in Terminal. Search and you'll find it pretty easily.

    6 months ago

    Dan: No, backlinks would require a more complex system that remembers where you came from. Since you are jumping apps, that would be pretty complex.

    6 months ago

    Hello Super-Maestro Gary, I created a shortcut and saved it as an App. It opens Numbers, allows changes and then opens Calendar where it creates a new item, with a Calendar dialogue box between the two to refine the Calendar entry. It was my way of streaming projects into actions, and not relying on Atlassian/Jira!! i.e. A homemade Gannt of sorts!... Let me know if you'd like a play with it... Still LOVING 'Clips' Thank you for you being you! :) WD

    6 months ago

    I discovered another way to copy pathnames to a TextFile. Select the files in Finder. Drag to TextFile. The pathname is placed in the TextFile. I find this to be the easiest way to copy pathnames into TextFile.

    4 weeks ago

    Dom: ur idear sounds smart, i am kind of looking for a tool for project management. can you show how you play with it and embeded it into daily workflow. Thank you

    4 weeks ago

    Hoolig: Sorry, I don't use any project management software so I can't be of much help with that.

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