Audio Recording Using GarageBand

Molly demonstrates the basics of recording audio on a Mac using Apple's GargeBand '08.
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Video transcript available soon.

Comments: 3 Responses to “Audio Recording Using GarageBand”

    17 years ago

    Very good information, but very quick and very small to try to follow. I have it bookmarked for future reference. Thanks
    Both my sons were to have been named Molly if they had been girls. Molly Stanberry's family have a lot to be be proud of.

    gionni dallo
    15 years ago

    I recorded 2 different audio sessions on the same track siarting at the same point on garageband 2.02. did I erase the first session? is there a way to recover it?

    14 years ago

    Obviously I need some pre beginner tutorials. I know I picked up one or two thing watching this, but she did speak rather quickly, and her voice always trailed off at the end of a phrase or sentence. I missed hearing what those were too.

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