A Simple Numbers Lookup Example

The Lookup function in Numbers allows you to get a value from one table based on a piece of information. In this example you'll learn how to look up a number from column B based on the text in column A in order to calculate the cost of a project.

Comments: 3 Responses to “A Simple Numbers Lookup Example”

    Sean Chandler
    7 years ago

    That was cool - how about a follow-up, showing how one could build a quote from that, maybe showing only column C and D from the right-had table, in a Pages doc?

    7 years ago

    Sean: That's pretty specific. Probably best at that point to just take my Numbers course and work on your own to come up with exactly what you need.

    Randy Miller
    7 years ago

    Thanks so much for this, Gary. I did not realize there was a lookup function, I had been trying to work on a monthly budget and get a running total for each month, in the past I had to manually copy everything, from one spreadsheet to another. this will save me a lot of work and time. Thanks again for doing this.

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