Adding Automator Alarms As Calendar Events

You can add Automator actions and even AppleScripts as alarms in the Calendar app on your Mac. It may look like this is no longer possible with Yosemite, but you can do it as long as you use the special Calendar Alarm document type in Automator, or if you simply use an On My Mac calendar instead of an iCloud one.

Comments: 5 Responses to “Adding Automator Alarms As Calendar Events”

    Bernard Loewenthal
    10 years ago

    Good idea.

    Bernard Loewenthal
    10 years ago

    Good idea

    10 years ago

    Thank you Gary this is great and just what I was looking for.

    9 years ago

    Is there anyway to set up the automator to record 2 sep events on the same day? I've been having trouble with this issue. I set up the automator through iCalendar to record one event and that event records fine, but if I try to record 2 sep. events at two sep. times on the same day, it will only record the first event.

      9 years ago

      You're going to have to experiment. Perhaps try setting multiple alarms for the same "event?" Also, maybe simply copy and paste the Automator script and create a "new" one that is just a duplicate with a different name and a different time in Calendar.

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