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Alternatives To Minimizing Windows On a Mac
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What a great video: so many good ideas to work simultaneously with several apps and windows. Thanks!
This video clearly communicates a problem that has so many options the solutions can be exponential if not confusing.
Thanks bunches
Been using Mac now since 2008 and I learn something new each time Gary posts his videos. Keep posting Gary! Great job!
What I find most useful (when I have lots of apps and windows of many apps open) is to use the "Hide Others" menu option.
The keyboard shortcut is: OPTION + COMMAND + H
For example, I first choose the Application I wish to work in (either by clicking the icon in the Dock, or by using Application Switcher (COMMAND + TAB key); and THEN use OPTION + COMMAND + H to "hide" all the other apps, thus reducing background screen clutter.
Activate App Expose to see all windows within that app. 😀
What do you think about Stage Manager as another option?
Bruce and Carol: It depends on your personal preference. Try it. If you like it, then it is for you. If not, then there are plenty of other options for handling multiple windows.