Apple Announces Next OS X: Mountain Lion

A new version of Mac OS X was announced this morning, named “Mountain Lion.” The new Mac OS X 10.8 was released for testing to developers. General release is scheduled for late this summer.
New features will include new apps and more: Messages, Notes, Reminders, Game Center, notifications, Twitter integration and AirPlay mirroring. All of these features mirror or tie in to similar features in iOS.
Messages will combine the features of iChat with the iMessage system available in iOS 5. Reminders and Notes breaks out those functions from Mail and iCal to make them more like iOS. AirPlay mirroring means you can show your Mac screen on an Apple TV.
In addition, iCloud integration will include more settings and your documents. So moving between Macs will be easier, and moving to a new Mac may require little more than just entering your iCloud ID to set up your Mac and get to your documents. You can find out more at Apple’s site.

Comments: 28 Responses to “Apple Announces Next OS X: Mountain Lion”

    Daniel Gartin
    12 years ago


    kristyanna virgona
    12 years ago

    Super Double Cool

    12 years ago

    Will Mountain Lion's AirPlay transmit audio as well as video?

      12 years ago

      We won't know until it is out. But I imagine so, as it does on the iPad.

    12 years ago

    And how much will we have to pay again??

      12 years ago

      There has been no mention of price. We probably won't know about that until we are much closer to release.

    12 years ago

    I have messages beta and the UI is ugly, no pop out chat window and in order to have a video chat you have to startup FaceTime, what a joke. Airplay Mirroring, great technology but I haven't owned a T.V. in over 10yrs. Twitter integration, pointless. Game center, wow, lets spend more money and waste more time. Notification, Growl works fine thank you and the UI takes too much space. Notes & reminders that sync to my other devices, thank you Big Brother, w/o you I'm really forgetful. IMHO these features are downgrades, Apple integration, and money are the objective here, not productivity. GateKeeper is the only really useful upgrade.

      12 years ago

      Just because YOU don't own a TV, and you don't play games, and you don't use Twitter doesn't make these features useless. You realize that not everyone is like you, right? Lots of people use these and lots of people are looking forward to these new features.

    12 years ago

    Yes Gary, I do realize that. However I will continue to voice my opinion, there is something called Freedom of speech in America. I hope you realize and still have enough individuality left, that you too can make a independent comparison/analyzes of Apple products. Just because Apple comes out with a new product does not mean it is the Holy Grail. Kool-Aid drinkers, stifle productivity. Turning OSX into a mass social media platform is a mistake in my opinion. It will be successful in the short term, long term, I think not.

      John M. Hammer
      12 years ago

      You're a jerk. And a troll.

      Gary wasn't trying to squelch your opinions. If he wanted to do that, he would have just deleted your post. All he did was point out to you and any other readers that your opinions seemed to be derived from a rather narrow point of view. Besides, your response was simply to a "news post" summarizing Apple's press materials on the new OS; Gary didn't editorialize anything.

      For what it's worth, since it really has nothing to do with Macs or Apple, you need to read the US Constitution a little more carefully, because "freedom of speech" refers to the government not being allowed to abridge speech; it has nothing to do with your (nonexistent) right to troll on a privately-owned and moderated message board.

    12 years ago

    Yes, I do realize that Gary. Just because Apple comes out with a new product does not mean it is the Holy Grail. I hope you have enough individuality left to make a independent comparison/analyzes. Kool-Aid drinkers stifle productivity. And for the record, I will continue to voice my opinion, we do have Freedom of speech and thought in America.

      12 years ago

      OK, but keep in mind a few things: This isn't journalism here. This is a site for technology enthusiasts. It is "get the most from your Mac at MacMost" nothing more than that.
      I'm all for freedom of speech, but this is MY site, not a government one. So it is MY freedom of speech here. I like spirited talk about the topic (Apple) but it is my site and I decide what goes. Same for anyone who owns their own site.

    12 years ago

    "This is a site for technology enthusiasts" .... and if I'm not enthused by Apples new operating system that makes me less of a enthusiast ? Reading over the other comments, I am the only person discussing technology on this thread, and yet you chose to single me out and tried to insult me. As for your other comment, "So it is MY freedom of speech here" Don't allow your success to go to your head, being humble and grateful for ones success is respected far more than a successor that exhibits dictatorial characteristics.

      12 years ago

      I find it ironic that John has no problem exercising his freedom of speech to make negative comments about Apple (and Gary), but when others use their freedom of speech to make negative comments about John, well, he doesn't appreciate that as much. This makes John a hypocrite. He's only concerned about HIS opinions. He talks much but hears little. It's rather amusing in a sad sort of way.

      By the way, I'm very excited for OS X M Lion. I've already installed Messages and love it. As a transcriptionist who types 103 wpm, it's much easier to text on my Mac. Same is true for Notes.

      I've always had a fairly sharp mind, but now that I also need to remember things for four children, Reminders is a lifesaver.

      I am not on Facebook, but I'm an avid Twitter user, so Twitter integration is a welcomed update.

      I do own a TV and already use Airplay mirroring with my iOS devices and have been wanting to do the same with my MBA.

      I use Pages & Keynote **A LOT**, so improved iCloud integration will also be a plus.

      Since I am in the majority camp of Apple users, it's good business sense (and common sense, for that matter) for Apple to give their customers what they want. There will always be those who dissent for the sake of dissenting, but we'll just have to put up with them and hope that someday they'll emerge from adolescence and get it.

      Thanks for allowing comments, Gary. We find them helpful most of the time. Please don't let a few small minds spoil it for the rest of us.

    12 years ago

    A little out of control would you say. Hey, I can see the point of this guy, but not the delivery. John, this is a Apple fan boy/girl site. Of course we love all thinks Apple, if not why would we be here? Do I think Apple makes everything better than the competition? Absolutely not, but again this is a Apple related site for fans of Apple products. I still love certain things better by Windows and Android over Apple, but all in all opinions of one may not apply to another. I personally don't care for the "Apple can do no wrong mentality" either, but Gary is just reporting it as it is said. Relax high speed and have a great day.

    Mike frost
    12 years ago

    John: get a life. Seriously. Gary's site is absolutely fantastic. He puts out some of the best content FOR FREE and all you can do is nothing but find the time to piss and moan about freedom of speech issues?

    Gary: too bad there's not a way to charge these type of people to get your content. I, and many others I've shared your site with love your super helpful content. Keep up the great work and ignore these people who have nothing better to do with their time than write comments that are utterly meaningless. Awesome job; you have a ton of fans out there!!

    12 years ago

    Don't feed the troll, please. Gary, you're doing a GREAT work.

    12 years ago

    Welcome to human nature....

    12 years ago

    G-Whiz! I think Apple is moving awfully fast with these OS version updates. I just getting comfortable with Lion!
    Anyway, I think the day is coming when the next generation of Mac computers will be re-architectured to run iOS, ao they are completely compatible with the iPad and iPhone. Why not, right?? They are slowly moving us in that direction anyway.

    12 years ago

    John M. Hammer says: "You’re a jerk. And a troll" What, no Dear John to start your rant. John M. Hammer says: "your opinions seemed to be derived from a rather narrow point of view" and why is that again, because I don't agree with you ? John M. Hammer says: "your response was simply to a news post” Imagine that, responding to a news post, opinions must be non-exsistant in your DNA. John M. Hammer says: “freedom of speech refers to the government not being allowed to abridge speech" and also protects the rights of individuals to voice their thoughts and opinions on topics other than Governmental. John M. Hammer says: "with your (nonexistent) right to troll on a privately-owned and moderated message board" The only privately owned substance of a website is.. dot com/name/content/HTML/CSS/Javascript/php/ etc. However, all websites are on something called the World Wide Web, maybe you have heard it, they are all open for public viewing. Since you declined to comment on the intended topic, it is you John M. Hammer that has proven yourself to be the troll here.

    12 years ago

    Cameron says: "negative comments about Apple and Gary" I did neither in my original post, I state my opinion on Apples new operating system not Apple, and made no references to Gary. You started your post with 2 lies, very well done. Cameron says: "to make negative comments about John, well, he doesn’t appreciate that as much. This makes John a hypocrite" Considering at the time there were no other comments about me, you have told your 3rd lie. Cameron says: "It’s rather amusing in a sad sort of way" What sad and not amusing is that you have proven yourself to be a liar, a character flaw you should keep to yourself not on a public forum. Cameron says: "There will always be those who dissent for the sake of dissenting" Keep following that yellow brick road, that is why you type for a living. Cameron says: "we’ll just have to put up with them" Yes you will, I understand that individuality, freedom of thought and choice is void from drones like yourself.Cameron says: "don’t let a few small minds spoil it for the rest of us" When a person tries to demean another for simply stated their opinion about a computer operating system, this is what is called a "Small Mind" As for the rest of your post, regarding your opinions on M. Lion, very well done.

    12 years ago

    Ed says: "A little out of control would you say" I will take that under consideration. Ed says: "John, this is a Apple fan boy/girl site. Of course we love all thinks Apple" I have never owned a P.C. so I would consider myself a Apple fan, I have been using them exclusively (personal & Business) for over 20 years.

    12 years ago

    Mike frost says: "get a life" Thank you, I have one and I even know how to capitalize my last name, unlike you. Mike frost says: "Gary’s site is absolutely fantastic" I agree 100%. Mike frost says: "too bad there’s not a way to charge these type of people to get your content" I like your capitalistic thinking, and there is a way for Gary to that. Mike frost says: "ignore these people who have nothing better to do with their time than write comments that are utterly meaningless" Mr. Frost, I committed on the intended subject, unlike you.

    12 years ago

    Drama says: "Gary, you’re doing a GREAT work" Gary is doing a great job and helps thousands of folks, there was never any disagreement about that. Drama says: "Don’t feed the troll" Since you have failed to comment on the intended subject ( Mountain Lion ) You have proven yourself to be the troll.

    12 years ago

    velo says: "Welcome to human nature" It is the nature of humans to voice their thoughts and opinions. I do realize that (to some) in our present time this may be seen as a revolutionary act.

    12 years ago

    Just an update on "Messages", I stated in my original post there was no pop out chat window. I was wrong, if you right click on the person your chatting with, a contextual menu pops up with one of the options being "POP out chat window"

    12 years ago

    Hi guys i have just updated to mountain lion but i cant seem to find the mirroring option at the top of the screen, can anybody please help.

      12 years ago

      Did you turn it on in the System Prefs? Do you have a newer and updated Apple TV with AirPlay turned on, on the same network as you Mac? Are you sure your Mac supports AirPlay mirroring?

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