7 Ways To Use the Help Menu

Don't overlook the Help menu in the Mac Menu Bar. It can not only take you to detailed documentation about the app you are using, but can also be used as a way to find Menu Bar items and control the current app with only the keyboard.

Comments: 7 Responses to “7 Ways To Use the Help Menu”

    7 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    7 months ago

    Thank you very much!

    7 months ago

    Good stuff, as ever.

    John Capron
    7 months ago

    Excellent, as usual!

    Gloria Messer
    7 months ago

    Excellent webinar - this information should be put out by Apple. You are to be commended

    7 months ago

    Great, thanks Gary

    Dave P.
    4 months ago

    Excellent video! Thank you. It seems like there are many ways to use the Help menu to get help on a given topic!

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