Building a Mac Shortcut To Add a Border And Caption To a Photo

Learn some Shortcuts programming by following along and building a Shortcut that adds a border and caption to a photo file and saves it as a new file.

Download the Shortcut

Comments: 5 Responses to “Building a Mac Shortcut To Add a Border And Caption To a Photo”

    3 years ago

    Thank you for this great tutorial,

    I saved it to my iPhone but I receive a message stating "Get Parent Directory" only works on Mac, is there any way to work around this ?

    3 years ago

    JP: You'll have to come up with another thing you want to do with the result at the end if you want this to work on iOS. Maybe copy to the clipboard, or just save it to the default location (Shortcuts).

    3 years ago

    Sorry Gary ! Much too complicated for me to follow. I got lost trying follow this and now I am dizzy.

    Andrew Wickliffe
    2 years ago

    Awesome tutorial! Had me overlaying in about 5 minutes! Thanks Gary!

    JP (a different one)
    2 years ago

    Hello! This was beyond amazing!

    I've been searching for a way to do this quickly and your video pointed the way! Now one click and I get an awesome border.

    After I got this working, I did make a few modifications: I wrapped the main processing in a 'Repeat with each item' block - this lets me select a whole set of images and, with one click, border-ize all of them! It's really something!

    Thank you again!!

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