MacMost Now 245: Building a MobileMe Web Site Without iWeb

You don't need to use iWeb to build a Web site in your MobileMe account. All you need to do is use your iDisk and store html files in your Web/Sites folder.

Comments: 26 Responses to “MacMost Now 245: Building a MobileMe Web Site Without iWeb”

    15 years ago

    Hi this really cool, but I'm working with php and I want to upload my page only with php, how do I connect to the php server or can I do that?

      15 years ago

      You can't really use PHP with MobileMe. You want a more traditional Web host that supports PHP.

    15 years ago

    i'm trying to take the tv shows i do for my mass comm workshop and put them on itunes so people can download them for basically i just need mobile me right? which will give me my URL feed since i've already built stuff up through garageband

      15 years ago

      You could use MobileMe for that yes. There is an iWeb option to set up a podcast and you could do it that way. You could also use just about any blogging service to create a podcast as well -- Blogger, WordPress, etc. I super-easy way to do it would be to just use

    peter Everett
    15 years ago

    I have a web folder and a sites folder, both at the root level of my iDisk - but no sites folder inside web.... I want to put my own index.html page up - where should it go?


      15 years ago

      Try creating the Sites folder yourself. If you have never used iWeb or anything else to make a MobileMe site, it may not be there.

    peter Everett
    15 years ago

    yep, that's done it - thanks gary.

    Andrew Collins
    15 years ago

    That's great - only one problem, when I go to i-disk it brings up the old set of folders so there's no folder called 'web' even though I only just set up my mobile me account. I tried doing plain text into the 'sites' folder but it didn't work - can you help....???

      15 years ago

      You can create the "Web" folder and put "Sites" in it yourself. It gets created for you if you use any of the services that will put something there -- like iWeb or a Photo Gallery, etc.

        Andrew Collins
        15 years ago

        Thanks - that worked!

          Andrew Collins
          15 years ago

          Hi Gary, can you help me with this? I was able to follow your instructions as above and also pointed my own domain name towards mobileme and that all worked fine. I couldn't figure out how to 'publish' a whole page with images etc using only idisk so I started using iWeb. But when I published a simple page which iWeb said was successfully done I couldn't get to it either with my own domain name or through my mobileme address...I keep getting 'page not found'.

            15 years ago

            Hard to diagnose without tons more information. It sounds like you are doing the right things. Keep investigating. Look through the iWeb help. Try again and try different settings. If you still can't figure it out, then maybe a visit to the Genius Bar.

    15 years ago

    Hey Gary,

    I just signed up for the free trial of MobileMe last night. I googled to find your site. When I did as you directed (Finder->Go->iDisk->My iDisk) I don't have a web folder. Did apple change something or am I for some reason not working correctly? I have Mac OS X 10.5.8. When I use the MobileMe website, I also don't see a Web folder. I'm so confused.

    I've tried to use the Public folder, thinking that might be the right thing, only it seems to just be a place to download files. Any idea what's going on?

      15 years ago

      If you have never created any sort of Web feature in MobileMe, such as a page with iWeb, or a photo gallery with iPhoto, etc., then the Web folder doesn't exist. Just create it yourself and add a Sites folder to it.

        15 years ago

        Ah! Well thank you. That was a rather dense moment if I may say so.

    Annie B
    15 years ago

    Hey Gary,
    I have a powerbook G4 with OSX 10.4.11 Can I use Mobile Me with this computer? Also - I presume from your above video that I can create a website with password protected video?

    Annie B

    15 years ago

    Thanks very clear and helpful.

    14 years ago

    Hi Gary
    Could I create a site using Flash and then insert it the same way? I have tried the basic test as shown in your video, and this works!
    Thanks in advance.

      14 years ago

      Not sure what you mean. You can use Flash, yes. But Flash is just one element in a Web site -- like images, text, video, etc.

    kim Eubanks
    14 years ago

    i just updated some photos on iweb and published entire site again... now it does not exist! please help!! it's my photography website!!

      14 years ago

      Try publishing again. Or giving it some time. If that doesn't work, then you'll probably need to get an expert to take a first-hand look. You can try the Genius Bar or see if you can find someone else to help.

    14 years ago

    great vid, got things going in regards to my domain and even forwarding via godaddy. i then uploaded my index.hml to the site folder and also the images folder with the images needed for the page, but they are not loading. meaning the page loads completely blank, no pics showing. where or how do i need to store the images folder on iDisk to get them directed to the html file. thanks ahead of time

      14 years ago

      Try the Web/Sites folder, not the Sites folder. MobileMe changed how this works.

    13 years ago

    Hi Garry,

    I have just used rapidweaver to put a site up on my Mobileme account for testing before fit goes online properly and it keeps asking for passwords when pages are navigated to, particularly when the gallery page is opened. Any idea how to get rid of this. I don't really want my client to have my Mobileme password

      13 years ago

      Check to see how that gallery page is set up. If the permissions are set right, you shouldn't need a password. Use the web interface for MobileMe and look at that gallery's settings.
      Better still -- test using a regular server. I don't see how you can test a non-MobileMe site properly at MobileMe. It is such a odd server environment.

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