Calendar Time Zone Support

If you travel between time zones and want to make sure your calendar event times reflect exactly the time you want them to, then turn on Time Zone Support in Calendar preferences. This will insure that times don't shift as you move around. Plus, you can set times with specific time zones and see those time zones reflected in the start and end times for the events.

Comments: 6 Responses to “Calendar Time Zone Support”

    Dennis Craig
    8 years ago

    If I follow your instructions, will the time zone parenthetical info show as I review my calendar on my iPhone?

    Dennis Craig
    8 years ago

    Additionally, as a traveler, is there a way to set a takeoff time in one time zone, and the landing time in another time zone?

    8 years ago

    Dennis: Look for the "Time Zone Override" setting for calendars to do this on your iPhone. To figure out how it works between devices, just create some sample throw-away events and see for yourself. Experiment. As far as different zones per event, it looks like you can only set one zone. So perhaps use separate events for take off and landing if that is important.

    Rainer Brockerhoff
    8 years ago

    AFAIK you can set separate start and end timezones on iOS but not on macOS, so I usually set up plane trips on my Mac and later fix the landing timezone on the iPad.

    Roger Mann
    8 years ago

    I want my calendar to maintain the time as I enter it. So if I enter that the flight leaves at 8 AM and arrives at 9 PM in another time zone, I don't want to have to fiddle around to figure out the different time zones. Is there a way for the calendar to just keep what I write down? Airlines don't dick around like this. Why should Apple?

    8 years ago

    Roger: That's exactly what I'm describing here. If you set the time and time zone, then the time is the time, it won't change.

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