Clean Up Your Mac’s Dock

Take the time to clean up and customize your Dock to improve your productivity. These 10 tips are quick and easy to do.

Comments: 7 Responses to “Clean Up Your Mac’s Dock”

    Rudy Chinchilla
    2 years ago

    Gary......You are the greatest!!!
    Warm regards.

    Mark McCluski
    2 years ago

    Holy cow, is this useful! I knew a bit about rearranging icons but your suggestions about configuring Launchpad, the systems folder and documents (ESPECIALLY documents) is going to streamline my looking for things more than somewhat!

    Robert Williams
    2 years ago

    New computer with Ventura 13.1 installed. Quite often I have problems moving Applications to the left or right on the dock. Also can't remove Applications by dragging them up. If I come back later, I find that the problem has disappeared for some, but not all of the Applications.

    Do I have a lemon computer?

    2 years ago

    Robert: Make sure you don't try to drag them too far to the right. They must be on the left side of the line. As for dragging them up to remove them, make sure you drag pretty far up the screen. Also, it helps if they aren't running. If they are, they would stay in the Dock regardless as all running apps are shown. You can always Control+click and go to Options, Remove From Dock too.

    petr wiblin
    2 years ago

    Morning Gary in Ventura 13.1dragging the icon up does not show the "remove" as in your EXCELLENT video

    2 years ago

    Petr: Not sure why it isn't working for you. Did you try other apps? Did you try dragging it up to the top half of the screen?

    2 years ago

    Great video, thank you for making it Gary. One comment, to save dock space. I do not keep Launchpad in the dock. Instead, what I find is even faster to access all my applications is to simply use a trackpad gesture (pinch with thumb and 3 fingers). There is a setting for this in Settings, Trackpad, More Gestures.

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