Controlling Your Mac With Only the Keyboard

If you want to maximize the time your hands are on your keyboard and minimize the time you use your mouse or trackpad, here are 10 techniques you need to master.

Comments: 5 Responses to “Controlling Your Mac With Only the Keyboard”

    Aubrey El
    4 years ago

    This video was just what I was looking for, but it did leave a few questions.
    Referencing the switching between application windows CMD + `, I tried it with Word for Mac and it didn't seem to work. What did I do wrong?

    Next when creating a keyboard short cut is there a method of preventing override or conflict with existing shortcuts when creating shortcuts?

    4 years ago

    Aubrey: Command+` should work in all apps. Just tried it and it works for me in Word (version 16.51). Did you maybe switch this off in System Preferences, Keyboard, Shortcuts, Keyboard?

    4 years ago

    Aubrey: As for preventing conflicts, there's nothing that's going to warn you because each app has its own shortcuts. Just don't use anything obvious (like Command+C) and if you accidentally use one that is already used for something else, just go back and change it.

    Aubrey El
    3 years ago

    Gary, I tried to find any preferences related to the C+ ` command and I could not find any. The Cmd + ` keys will shift between Safari windows, but not between the Word for Mac document windows. What am I doing wrong.

    3 years ago

    Aubrey: Perhaps Word has something else using that command? What happens when you do it. Also, maybe you are using Word in Full Screen mode? Try it with two plain windows open on the same desktop to test.

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