MacMost Now 542: Creating a Table of Contents In Pages

You can have Pages automatically create a table of contents based on the styles you have assigned to paragraphs in your text. With a little more work you can also have the table of contents automatically insert numbers and subchapters.

Comments: 12 Responses to “MacMost Now 542: Creating a Table of Contents In Pages”

    13 years ago

    You can also update your TOC by just clicking in that TOC. Found out last week when I just did what you demonstrated.


    12 years ago

    This is great! Now how do you do this within a mac template? From what I can see, the option to insert a TOC is greyed out/ unavailable when working within a template...

      12 years ago

      Probably because the templates are layout documents and you need to be using a word processing document to use TOC.

        Jillian C
        12 years ago

        So why can't I do it in a layout document, or combine both. I am making magazine pages so need the TOC to work. Suggestions?

        12 years ago

        Is there anyway to create a TOC from a layout document? This has been really frustrating. I have a 12 page newsletter and I really don't want to create the TOC by hand each time.

          12 years ago

          I think it is only in word processing documents.

    12 years ago

    can i make two table of content in one document? as one for the chapters and sup-titles, and another one for tables and figures?

      12 years ago

      No, I can't think of a way to do that. Try it, by all means, but I think it is THE table of contents, not A table of contents. You'll need to do the tables and figures list manually.

    12 years ago

    If I use the downloaded ePub best practices document to create a small manual when I go to the insert button it shows ‘pages’ and yet when I use one of the existing templates the ‘insert’ button shows ‘sections’.

    This I find very confusing, I am new to ‘pages’ (because I have used MS word for the past 20 years) and just bought an iMac.

    WHAT am I trying to establish? I am trying to produce an eBook/iBook! In PDF

    Well I have produced a training manual using ‘pages’ and one of pages examples but, I cannot find an answer to ‘How can I create a TOC – table of contents to fit into my document?

    The ePub best practice doc has one and I have tried copy/paste but this does not work. HELP


      12 years ago

      Sorry, I don't know anything about this "ePub best practices document" -- perhaps they are just guidelines of some sort. Why not just use the TOC functionality in Pages and see if it works for you.

    12 years ago

    Came across this thread looking to add a table of contents to an already existing document created from a template.
    Thought I should share how I worked out to do it...

    You need to go through your document, starting with the first element to include in your contents. Highlight the heading - or whatever you want to appear in the contents list - and click "Format" "Create new paragraph style from selection". Then copy it and find the next heading. alt cmd V will copy the paragraph style (and probably capitalise the text)... continue through the doc. Then you can follow the instructions in this video and the TOC will pick up your paragraph style. You just need to check it in the inspector and it should create the contents...

    12 years ago

    My name is Rose and I have a problem, I can't create my own table of contents on Pages.
    I had seen and read several times the Pages User Guide.
    The problem is, I can not create my list style because when I go to inspector - list - marks and numbers, ther is no combination for 1.1.
    And if I create my own style and export to RTF, then open in text edit - copy- and paste on Pages, and after clean all the list styles, I can't make pages accept numbers like 1.1 and 1.1.1.
    I would like to create an index like this:

    I_ BBBB
    1. ccccc
    1.1. ddddd
    1.1.1. eeeee

    II_ GGGG

    Best regards

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