Customizing the iPhone 15 Pro Action Button

You can set the Action button at the side of your iPhone 15 Pro to a variety of presets, like opening the Camera app or starting a Voice Memo. But you can also use Accessibility options and Shortcuts to make it do almost anything. Here are some examples of what you can do including launching any app, taking a photo, starting a timer, and much more.

Comments: 3 Responses to “Customizing the iPhone 15 Pro Action Button”

    John Carter
    10 months ago

    Sorry, but I see this as a rather redundant feature. I can set widgets on the Home Screen to activate any of those features - even on my iPhone 14. So I would prefer to just keep the default setting for the Action button, which is what I use it for most often. Hence, depending on what you would use the Action button for most often determines what you would set it for.

    John Carter
    10 months ago

    The tips on using the Shortcuts app is the most useful part of this video. Thanks.

    10 months ago

    Thanks bunches

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