MacMost Now 477: Editing Photos in iPhoto 11

In iPhoto 11 you can touch up your photos in several ways. You can cure red-eye, fix blemishes, straighten photos and more. You can also enhance or alter the colors in your photos in a number of ways. iPhoto always remembers the original photo, so you can revert even after changes have been made.

Comments: 33 Responses to “MacMost Now 477: Editing Photos in iPhoto 11”

    14 years ago

    Other than the page layout, this seems to be all the same editing features as my older iPhoto 9. What's new?

    14 years ago

    There are a lot of new features in iPhoto 11 and they can be found at
    Thanks, Gary, for your GREAT service to ALL of us who STILL think Apple should supply manuals with the computers they sell. Every trip to my machines (iMac 27" and 15" MBPro [brand new]) is the beginning of a steep learning curve and I find myself not even going into my office at all. Productivity has gone to zippo and I have spent nearly six grand on fabulous equipment that you have to guess how to use.

    14 years ago

    Your video and iPhoto deals with 'red eye'. What about 'green eye'... often seen with animals?

      14 years ago

      I don't know. I've never seen green eye. If you have a picture with it, then why not try it. The auto function may not work, but the manual one should work for sure.

    14 years ago

    How to save both the original photo and the edited version to be able to view them side by side and keep them both in iphoto ? THANKS

    Susan Wagner
    14 years ago

    I am unable to save my edited photos in iphoto 11. When I double click on it to enlarge it in full screen after it’s been edited in iphoto, there is an exclammation point on a triangle that appears, and I can’t share it.

      14 years ago

      Do you mean "save" or "share" -- and share in what sense? Email? Facebook? Something else?

        Janette Jeffery
        14 years ago

        i am having a similar problem too, i have edited my photos, send them and they are the un-edited photo. i have done some in black and white , they have stayed black/white but any special edits are saved, how can you save and share the finished edited copy?

          14 years ago

          So what are the steps you are going through, exactly? You edit the photo in iPhoto. Then you select that photo and hit Share, Email. Then you compose your else (is the edited photo shown in the email message at that point?)

            14 years ago

            I do the normal upload, edit what I want, the photo on the screen is the edited one , but if I email or upload it's the original photo . If I edit color to black/white and do other fixes , it stays black / white but the other editing is not done . ;)

              14 years ago

              Odd. I'm not sure what could be causing that. So it is one step behind on editing? It recognizes the first, but not the second when you try to email? Are you using the Share, Email function. Or dragging and dropping from iPhoto into an email message?

    Janette jeffery
    14 years ago

    I do share , then email , or share then upload to Facebook , what do you do when you edit and upload ? , on your video help etc you do some normal editing etc , but I've the sharpness etc ( on that options) so I dont know ;(

      14 years ago

      I'm really not sure what could be causing this.

    janette jeffery
    14 years ago

    Hi Gary, have you tried all these other options on your editing,?

      janette jeffery
      14 years ago

      can you please also tell me what the spinning ball is after i have done editing etc ?

        14 years ago

        That means something is processing. Impossible to say from here why you are getting it at that particular moment, though.

    14 years ago

    When I use red eye edit, the corrected pupils are always blue. None of my gramkids have blue eyes unless I edit their red eyed pics with iPhoto 11. Is there a way to correct this or is blue the only choice?

      14 years ago

      Interesting. I always see it as black. I'm not sure if you have a choice in iPhoto. The original color is missing completely, of course, since it has been replaced with red in the image. I suppose you could use a full-strength photo editor like Photoshop to change any pixels to anything you want if you want to put the effort into it.

    cleo mcgee
    13 years ago

    I edit a photo in iPhoto and the edited version shows up in the thumb nail but when I try to print (command p) I get the original version. What steps am I missing?

      13 years ago

      Not sure. Try restarting iPhoto, maybe? Can't think of what would cause that.

        cleo mcgee
        13 years ago

        tried restarting and that did not work. the edited photo shows up in the thumbnail but if I try to go full screen or print the original photo comes up.

      Trish Newton
      12 years ago

      The same thing of trying to print out the edited photo but getting the original photo instead is happening to me.

      Any workaround?

    Arpan Dutta
    13 years ago

    What I actually want to do is something like Picassa. Edit a photo and save it at the location viz. folder the photo was originally saved by me. So next time I open the photo from my picture folder in any viewer, I should be able to view the edited photo only. I can't do that with iPhoto. is that option not available or I am missing something.

      13 years ago

      iPhoto stores everything inside the iPhoto library. Sounds like you just want to edit an image file and save it. A graphics program works great for that (Photoshop, Seashore, SketchBook, etc). If you just need to make some adjustments, then Preview on your Mac works well too.

    13 years ago

    I am having the same problem with pictures going back to originals.
    Try sending to email or for printing and the repaired photos revert back to original. Upgraded system and it still happens.

    13 years ago

    We have edited and enhanced our pics on IPHOTO, and want to back them up on hard drives. How can we save the enhanced versions to external hard drives (i.e. will they revert back to original?)

      13 years ago

      Do you mean backup? If so, use Time Machine for backing up everything on your hard drive. However, if you mean archive then I would just archive your entire iPhoto library. That way you have the original photo and the edit.

    13 years ago

    When using the iPhoto editing program how am I able to save the original photo and still have the edited one? Also, what should I know if wanting to send via email pics that have been edited? they can be viewed and printed because some appear to look great after editing then I email them and they are viewed with too much noise? Thank you!

      13 years ago

      You can edit a photo and it will keep the original (you can revert to it). You can also duplicate any photo if you want both to be present when you browse.
      Not sure about your noise problem. Perhaps when you email them you are emailing smaller versions (check that setting when you prepare the email -- and it depends on the method you are using to send).

    13 years ago

    I am new to Mac. After I edit in iPhoto, I want to "save" the edited version. Where is the "save" or "save as" button? When I close after "done", my edited version is gone and I just have the original.

      13 years ago

      The edits are saved as you go. So there is no "save" action. You just edit and the edits should remain. Not sure why you are not seeing that.

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