Editing Photos In iPhoto

iPhoto has a set of photo adjustment tools that allow you to correct problems in your photos as well as add enhancements and fun filters. You can edit a photo, layering several effects on top of each other, and still revert to the original even after you are done editing.

Comments: 19 Responses to “Editing Photos In iPhoto”

    11 years ago

    Can the edited photo be saved?

      11 years ago

      Not sure what you mean. The editing is automatically "saved" in iPhoto. If you mean export, then yes, you can export just like you could before you edited it.

        11 years ago

        Yes, export is what I meant. It wouldn't seem logical if one could not export the finished product. I will have to investigate iPhoto a bit more.

    11 years ago

    I never edit my original photo. Before doing any edits I always duplicate my original and do my edits on the duplicate, so the original is never touched. If I like my edit, I go back to the event and make duplicate of the one I just edited - so it's "saved" - then go on experimenting with whatever other edits I want to.

      11 years ago

      There's really no need to do that. iPhoto has the original. You can always revert to the original by hitting the Revert to Original button. Duplicating it will just create a second copy of the original as a separate photo.

        11 years ago

        I freely admit to backing up everything, multiple times. Two external hd's plus flash drives, LOL. I also thought playing with the original might reduce the image's quality, even if you did "revert to original". Would it?
        I like to be able to compare my edits side-by-side with the original, too, to decide which one I like better, or what other edits might be beneficial.

          11 years ago

          Sounds like you would really enjoy upgrading to Aperture. There are many more editing options, plus you can "show original" to compare, and effects have a preview that comes up before you apply.

            11 years ago

            I've heard of Aperture, but haven't ever looked at it. Thought it might be a bit too advanced for me. My son uses Lightroom and loves it - can do incredible things, but it sounds very techy. I don't think I really need more than what iPhoto gives me, with Effects and cropping. I have v.9.4.3 - noticed you are using 9.5 - I haven't been offered that update - should I see if I can purchase it? Or is it just for OS Mavericks?

              11 years ago

              You need Mavericks to upgrade to 9.5.

                11 years ago

                I've been scared off Mavericks by the comments I've been reading, so I'm going to wait awhile on that. I'm going to take your suggestion though and have a good look at Aperture. Thank you! And, thanks for your articles, I really enjoy and benefit from them :)

    11 years ago

    I have old family photos in iPhoto downloaded from a disc, several are photos with 4-6 separate photos together and I want to crop individual photos and use for a calendar. When I revert to original to crop another photo I lose the single photo. I did this last year for a calendar but either I forgot how or Mavericks won't let me. Please help, sorry for the long post.

      11 years ago

      The way I would have this is to duplicate the photo. Then crop the duplicate so it contains only one of the images. Then repeat for each image in there so you have a separate photo for each.

        Anusha Jain
        11 years ago

        Sorry, if it sounds too silly, but how to duplicate a photo within iPhoto? I've been using iPhoto for some time now, but am unable to figure it out. Except for importing the same photo again... Which is unfeasible for too many pics every time.
        Wasn't able to do it on iPhoto for iOS either.

          11 years ago

          There are several ways. Select the photo and choose Photos, Duplicate. Or, in some cases you can Control+Click on the photo and choose Duplicate from the context menu.

            Anusha Jain
            11 years ago

            Thanks Gary. Unfortunately, I didn't get a notification for your response. Saw it only when I came back to share my mistake :) I was trying "Copy" from menu or with Cmd+C and couldn't paste either in the same event or other. Duplicate was in the photos menu with Cmd+D as shortcut, and silly me, I missed it :) Thanks again.

    11 years ago

    I've done a lot of editing using iPhone but want to expand my capabilities. I've heard Aperture is good but Apple hasn't kept up with its support of the program. Any thoughts? Also what do you think of Lightroom as an alternate to Aperture?

      11 years ago

      You mean iPhoto, right? As for Aperture, what makes you think Apple isn't keeping up with it? There have been regular updates. I use Aperture, but can't compare it to Lightroom as I don't use it. But the features of both are easy to find online.

    11 years ago

    Please help with the cropping. I never know what to crop the picture to when I'm not sure what size I want to print. If size is unknown, what is the best way to crop?

      11 years ago

      Not sure I understand your question. If you don't know what size you'll need, then the best cropping is no cropping at all. Why get rid of some of the image until you need to?

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