Enable Flash In Safari

By default Flash apps are not going to appear on webpages in Safari. However, it is easy to enable them by clicking on the prompt or using Safari's Preferences. In some cases, using Preferences may be the only way to get Flash working properly on a site.

Comments: 13 Responses to “Enable Flash In Safari”

    Jeffrey Ostermiller
    8 years ago

    This is great! I've always wondered why I had the flash pop-up, and was never able to figure out how to fix the issue. Thanks!

    8 years ago

    Thanks, I did not know about this. I went to the Adobe website and downloaded it because I could not get a lot of websites but this is a much better way to get it.

    8 years ago

    I don't see those option in Safari 10.0.2 running on Yosemite?

    8 years ago

    Pete: No, it wouldn't be. This is a feature of Safari in Sierra. All of my videos are always pertaining to the current version of macOS, iOS and other software.

    8 years ago

    That would explain it then :) Thanks for such a quick response.
    Is that also why I can't see youtube vids all of a sudden?

    8 years ago

    Pete: Could be. Try this the next time you run into a YouTube video that isn't working.

    8 years ago

    I'll have to upgrade to Sierra first but this is a good incentive to do so

    Rosemary McVicar
    8 years ago

    Is there any way to enable Adobe flash player in Yosemite? I have tried to download it several times and Safari security acknowledges Adobe FlashPlayer is turned on but I keep getting messages that my system does not have it and it does not show up in the Applications folder. Thank you for any comments/suggestions. I have an older iMac and can't upgrade to Sierra.

    8 years ago

    Rosemary: The Adobe Flash Player is not an app that would show up in your Applications folder. It is a "plug-in" for your web browser. Have you tried testing it out here: https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html

    Chris Proudlove
    8 years ago

    Gary, I thought Flash was a bad thing, full of gremlins and in need of constant updates containing even more gremlins. Or have I got that wrong?

    8 years ago

    Chris: The Flash player is an extremely powerful environment that allows all sorts of apps to exist in webpages. Being so versatile, it can be used for lots of things that can't be done on the web in any other way -- like some complex games. But it can also be abused by malicious developers which is why it is often updated to prevent exploits. But it is updated no more than browsers and operating systems, which are also powerful and can be exploited as a result. The updates don't contain "gremlins" -- they fix things.
    I've been using the Flash player to create website games that millions of people have safely played and enjoyed since 1999. YouTube's primary video player is Flash too, and for the first many years of YouTube Flash the only video player.

    8 years ago

    Thanks so much Gary. I've got it installed now. Very helpful website you passed on. Helpful info re Flash Player as well.

    8 years ago

    It worked, thanks for the instructions. I do rely on your insight for this old MAC to stay as current as possible.

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