Every New Feature in the iOS 17 Messages App

iOS 17 includes 14 new features in the Messages app alone. Learn how to use Emoji as Stickers, share your location, create stickers from your photos, swipe to reply to a specific message and much more.

Comments: 7 Responses to “Every New Feature in the iOS 17 Messages App”

    10 months ago

    Such great new features . Sure adds to my ability to be creative .

    Michael Jackson
    10 months ago

    How remove bottom space on keyboard iphone 14pro max. One hand mode also not conferable

    10 months ago

    Michael: You mean where the globe and mic is located? You can't. It is also useful for the Home bar there.

    10 months ago

    Plus button does not show up at the bottom of Messages like you show. Not sure why as I have iOS 17

    10 months ago

    Rob: So there's just nothing to the left of the text entry field at the bottom?

    Lars Andersen
    10 months ago

    How can I free up space on iCloud (iMessages) after I deleted all messages on my devices? It's 15 GB of old messages I need to free up.

    10 months ago

    Lars: Settings, General, iPhone Storage, Messages. Check the amount of space it is using in Documents & Data. Then select the category below, like Photos, to see what is using space and remove items.

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