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Excel FILTER Function Alternates In Numbers?

In MS Excel there is a FILTER function.
Is there any alternative in Apple Numbers?

I have a table containing movies with their categories.

Now I want to create a second table that displays movies of a specified category.

In MS Excel this can be done using FILTER function but there are no FILTER function in Number.
Is there any way to do the same ?
Gajendra Jangid

Comments: One Response to “Excel FILTER Function Alternates In Numbers?”

    4 months ago

    The primary way to do this would be to simply use filters. See

    The main difference between that and what you are describing is that it doesn't create a second table. You just filter the first table. It is easy to turn filters on and off and change them, so hopefully this is all you need.

    Otherwise, you can use other functions if you really need to generate a new table. For instance, in this video I show an example of creating invoices by pulling data from another table.

    If you are clever, another option is to use a Pivot Table. But it is a bit convoluted and messy.

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