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How Do I Create a Text List Of a Finder Search Result?

I want to create an editable list of files from a Finder search. Is there a shortcut for doing that? I think you published a video on the subject but I can’t find it. URL? or answer?

I want to find all the files from my 25 years of teaching math at a university. I want to group and sort the list as text.
Lee Townsend

Comments: 3 Responses to “How Do I Create a Text List Of a Finder Search Result?”

    5 months ago

    If you are looking at the search results in a Finder window, use Command+A to select them all. Then to get the file names, use Edit, Copy or Command+C.

    Now go to TextEdit and start a new document. It must be a plain text document, not a rich text one. So if you see the font controls at the top of the window, go to Format, Make Plain Text, to go into plain text mode.

    Then Edit, Paste or Command+V.

    If you want full pathnames instead of just the filenames, then use Option+Command+C when copying.

    The video where I talked about this is here, but I don't think I mention doing it with search results.

    5 months ago

    Is there a way to create a live link to a file path so that when I paste the "link" into a note I can subsequently click on it and go to the original file in the finder?

    Any scenario I've tried so far (drag and drop, add attachment) always creates a duplicate of the file in a nested folder in the Library and that is not helpful at all as I now have two copies of a file.

    5 months ago

    Bob: Copy the file path (Option+Command+C in the Finder) and paste the path in. Then modify the path to start with file:/// (three slashes) and it should work.

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