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How Do I Find Emails Saved As .eml Files By Date?

I’m trying to save several years of old emails by dragging and dropping to a new folder on my desktop. They are saved as .eml. They all transfer and can be easily opened and viewed, but once in the new folder they are no longer organized by date. When I dragged them they were directly from Mail and organized by date. The only dates given in the new folder are the “date created” and “date modified”, all of which are today’s date. Even if I click on “date created” or “date modified” they still are not in chronological order. So it’s very difficult to locate an email, say, from November 2012. Any suggestions on making the new .eml folder more useful in locating a particular email?

Device: Mac Running Big Sur

App: Mac Mail

Comments: One Response to “How Do I Find Emails Saved As .eml Files By Date?”

    3 years ago

    If you open those up in TextEdit or another text editor, you can see the source of the email. You'll find in there various headings, including the date. For instance, I just checked one and found this line:

    Date: 19 Apr 2021 15:58:08 -0600

    Since this is in the contents of the file, it can be searched using Spotlight. So I opened a new Finder window, went to the folder with my eml file in it, and searched for "Apr 2021" in quotes. That message came up as a result right away.

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