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How Do I Slow Down the Scrolling Speed Inside Some MAILBOXES ???

I just purchased Mountain Lion and I am unable to slow down the scrolling speed of the slider within some of my MAILBOXES. I have a 2010 iMac and a regular Apple Mouse (not a scrolling Magic Mouse). I had two ways of using my cursor to scroll inside a MAILBOX in Snow Leopard: (1) clicking on up/down-arrowheads and (2) sliding a tab up/down along the right margin. Mountain Lion has eliminated “(1)” and I am finding that “(2)” varies from one MAILBOX to another. For instance, the tab associated with my INBOX has a hair-trigger and jumps 20 emails at a touch. However, the tabs in some of my MAILBOXES are longer and easily move 1 email at a time.
PS: I have already tried adjusting the mouse characteristics using System Preferences in the pull-down menu under the Apple logo, but this has NO affect on the tabs in the MAILBOXES.
Joseph Allen

Comments: 6 Responses to “How Do I Slow Down the Scrolling Speed Inside Some MAILBOXES ???”

    12 years ago

    1. Get a device with a scrolling mechanism. Get a Magic Trackpad or Magic Mouse, or just another brand mouse with a scroll wheel in it. I love the Trackpad, and when you think about it, with 60% of all Macs sold being MacBooks of one sort or another, and lots of iMacs being sold with Trackpads now, it is the future. Takes a a few weeks to get used to if you have always just used a mouse.
    2. Use the keyboard to scroll. You can do it in two ways I can think of. First, select an email message in the list and then use the up and down arrows to move. This will go one at a time. Or, second, use FN+Control+Up or Down and you page up and down. A little faster and you don't miss anything. If you have thebig keyboard with the Page Up and Page Down buttons, then that should work too.

    Joseph Allen
    12 years ago

    Thanks, I do have the expanded keyboard so I can use both ideas in Gary's "SUGGESTION 2" ... . As for SUGGESTION 1, I will watch some videos about Magic Mouse and Track-pad and make my decision.

    PS: But why are some MAILBOX sliders very short and hair-triggered, while other MAILBOX sliders are long and easy-going ... ??? My INBOX has a "hair-trigger slider" while my personally created "APPLE mailbox" has a long easy-going slider ... ??? What controls the length/sensitivity of the slider ... ??? I can find NO controls or logic associated with these SLIDERS ... .

    Joseph Allen
    12 years ago

    Thanks Gary ... !!!! I do have the expanded keyboard so I can use both ideas in Gary's "SUGGESTION 2" ... . As for SUGGESTION 1, I will watch some videos about Magic Mouse and Track-pad and make my decision.

    PS: But why are some MAILBOX sliders very short and hair-triggered, while other MAILBOX sliders are long and easy-going ... ??? My INBOX has a "hair-trigger slider" while my personally created "APPLE mailbox" has a long easy-going slider ... ??? What controls the length/sensitivity of the slider ... ??? I can find NO controls or logic associated with these SLIDERS ... .

      12 years ago

      The scroll speed when moving the scroll bar is relative to the length of the content. So in a mailbox with 100 items the scrolling will seem slow, as the height of the bar represents only 100 items. But if there are 1000 items, then the same height of the bar represents 1000 items so moving it the same amount will move through 10x more items.

    Joseph Allen
    12 years ago

    Thanks again, Gary. You have a great way of reducing the complexity of a problem. So, what I have been calling the SLIDER, is really called the SCROLL BAR. And the length and sensitivity of the SCROLL BAR is a function of the size of the file. I never noticed these facts before, because with Snow Leopard, MAIL had arrow-heads in addition to the SCROLL BAR for scrolling thru a big file. Looks like I need to get a Mouse with a scroll wheel.

    Joseph Allen
    12 years ago

    I bought your video that introduces a person to Mountain Lion, and I am very pleased with my purchase ... ((<: }

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