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Can I Create Sub-Albums In iPhoto?

I have a new album of photos. I want to group the photos into several categories, like places I went, people, common themes. Can I create sub albums or albums within an album?

Comments: 5 Responses to “Can I Create Sub-Albums In iPhoto?”

    5 years ago

    I assume you mean Photos, not the (very) old iPhoto app, correct?

    You can't create an album inside another album. But you can create folders in Mac Photos to organize your albums. Choose File, New Folder to create one. Then drag and drop albums into and out of the folders.

    But it sounds like what you want is the ability to tag photos with multiple things. Then why not use Keywords? You can assign one or many keywords to a photo. Then you can view all of the photos that use those keywords in a number of ways.

    I did a video on this recently. See

    5 years ago

    WOW, lots of options. Thanks Gary!!!

    5 years ago

    Gary, just added about 11 keywords to sort about 1000 pictures of a recent trip to China. (Got in and out before coronavirus!) Now, after searching on the keywords, is there a way to play the pictures as a slideshow? So far I have not found a way to do it. Thank you!

    5 years ago

    Pete: You should be able to search for the keyword, go into that keyword and see all of the photos, then choose File, Play Slideshow or File, Create, Slideshow. You can also create a Smart Album with that keyword and do the same.

    5 years ago

    Cannot thank you enough Gary. My friends will think I am a genius!!!! Some of them are Mac Users so I will encourage them to join MacMost. You rock!!!!

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