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How Do I Change Label Colour In Pages?

Is it possible to change the colour of the labels in Pages? Right now, they are orange and I find that very distracting.

Comments: 2 Responses to “How Do I Change Label Colour In Pages?”

    4 years ago

    Do you mean the highlight color? Like when you select some text?

    Go to System Preferences, General. If the Accent Color is set to the multi-color setting, then each app uses its own special color. Pages is yellow-orange. You can change the Accent Color to something else so all apps uses that accent color and the Highlight Color (the next setting below) will follow along. Or, you can change the Highlight Color and leave the Accent Color alone.

    4 years ago

    I meant Accent Colour :). Thanks very much for the quick reply. That's what I was looking for!

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