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How Do I Check If External Drives Are Backed Up When Connected To Time Machine?

Just a quick question about TimeMachine. I have a 12GB HD connected to MacBook for my backup. Also I have a 12GB external also connected which has files I would want backed up. How do I check to see if this external drive (or any other smaller 2GB drives) are also being backed up onto my TimeMachine back up. I connect to Time Machine usually once a day.Thanks for all the help and videos. Ken

Before I delete files off of my MacBook (after moving them to an external drive), I want to know if these files on the external drive are also being backed up.
Ken V

Comments: One Response to “How Do I Check If External Drives Are Backed Up When Connected To Time Machine?”

    10 months ago

    There are a few ways. First, go into Time Machine settings in System Settings, General. Then click Options and look at Exclude From Backups. Make sure the drive you want backed up is NOT in that list.

    Next, assuming you have Time Machine in your Menu Bar, go to the top level of that drive in the Finder. Then select the Time Machine icon in the Menu Bar and Browse Time Machine Backups. You should be then able to browse your files for that drive.

    Finally, open the Time Machine drive in the Finder. Never try to alter anything here, but it is OK to look. You should see a list of backups with dates. The "Data" one is your Internal drive. But then an external drive should appear with its own name.

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