More New Features To Check Out On Your iPhone In iOS 17

With so many new and interesting features in iOS 17, I had to make a second video. Learn how to use Stickers in different places, easily crop photos, leave a FaceTime video message, and much more.

Comments: 8 Responses to “More New Features To Check Out On Your iPhone In iOS 17”

    10 months ago

    Thanks bunches

    10 months ago

    Thx Gary, not sure if this applies to this update, but is there a way to use different fonts for apps like Messages and Notes or set as a default system font? thx

    10 months ago

    Nick: No. For that you'd use Pages instead of notes to customize the fonts. Messages doesn't have any option to change the font.

    Colin McKinney
    10 months ago

    Notes app: I'm having trouble printing an attachment. It doesn't work the same way as previously. Share > Print, the preview shows the original "photo" instead of the cropped and saved attachment.

    10 months ago

    Colin: Sounds like a bug.

    10 months ago

    With regard to Live Stickers, you can also use a Live Photo. So your Live Sticker is actually moving :-) As far as I can see this only works in Messages.

    10 months ago

    Hey Gary, I'm on a new fully updated iPhone 15 running 17.0.2 and my password manager does not have a "recently deleted" option. Any idea as to how to turn it on?

    Thanks for the great tips, Gabe

    10 months ago

    Gabe: Have you deleted anything since upgrading? It won't be there unless there is something in it.

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