I have 5 Pages files with “Survey Log” in the titles, each with different years in the title to differentiate.
If I do a “name matches” Finder search for “Survey Log,” I only get 4 of the 5 files in the search results. The most recent file is missing.
If I search by tags, I only get 4 of the 5 files in the search results. Again the most recent file is missing.
I know the file is there, because if I open Pages and go to “Open Recent” in the File menu, it is there, and I can open and edit it.
I even copied the filename from the top of the document itself and pasted it into the Finder search field, just in case I had an unnoticed spelling error, but the result was the same.
It doesn’t matter if I select to do the Finder search in “Recents,” “This Mac” or “iCloud Drive,” I still get the same 4 search results, with the 5th and most recent file missing.
The file is located in iCloud>Pages.
What would prevent this file from appearing in Finder search results?
Look at the Finder window where you get the search results. Are you using "Group By?" If so, set that to None and see if that helps.
Are the other files in the same place? If so, it sounds like maybe there is a problem with your Spotlight index. Try recreating it by going to System Preferences, Spotlight and then adding that location from your privacy list and then removing it from there. Then you probably have to wait a while (hours?) for the index to complete.