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How Do I Get Wifi Sync To Change From Older MacBook?

I have a new iMac and have started using it to sync and backup my iOS devices. So far, so good. I have doing the sync by connecting the devices with a USB cable. In the past, I had done the sync with my MacBook which is no longer connected to my iTunes account. I wanted to set up the devices for wifi sync to the iMac. That is when I noticed the last wifi sync to the MacBook. I was surprised because I don’t recall using the wifi sync, always using USB. Now I get two windows when I check settings. One will show the last sync to the iMac and one will show a sync to the MacBook. Fair enough, but when I set up and completed a wifi sync, it does not show up in settings. The sync works fine by wifi, but fails to show up in settings. Am I missing something?

Comments: 4 Responses to “How Do I Get Wifi Sync To Change From Older MacBook?”

    9 years ago

    Where, specifically, are you seeing these two windows that show your last sync to each device?
    It is hard for me to help you here since I don't really use syncing anymore -- iCloud has pretty much replaced it for me for years. No need to "sync" anymore as everything is part of iCloud. I do occasionally do a backup to my local Mac, like before travel, but other than that sync has been made obsolete by iCloud (contacts, calendars, reminders, notes), iCloud Photo Library, iTunes Match and Apple Music, and iCloud backups.

    9 years ago

    Thanks Gary. I would use iCloud if I could rely on it, but not with my internet unreliability. The Windows appear in Settings, iTunes Wi-Fi Sync. There are two, the first says..."Mike's iMac,the date of the latest sync and then Music and Photos. The second window is similar, but says Mike's MacBook Pro, a date weeks ago and Apps. Below that is a tab to "sync now" but the second window never changes no matter how the sun sync is accomplished. The MacBook has been disabled and gone.

    9 years ago

    Mike: Even with intermintent connectivity you would still be better off using iCloud instead of syncing. With syncing you only transfer data when you connect and do it. With iCloud it will work when you do have a connection, even if that is a few times a day it will be more often. I would maybe try to work on your connectivity issues as it will only become more important.
    As for the screen, I see the one you mean, but I guess because I don't sync like that anymore, I really don't have any more information than you do about it.

    9 years ago

    Okay, I'll give it a try. I'm uneasy about online processes. I have noticed that apple servers are not all equal as far as my Apple ID is concerned. I can and do use the iCloud for apps such as Pages, Keynote and Numbers. It does work in the background. As well, if I update iTunes apps, the process quietly goes on, sometimes for days if it's a large update. However, with the Mac downloads, it is often a real pain to get downloads as I get cut off and have to restart. Thanks again

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