I have “My Photo Stream” checked on both my iPhone and my iMac. But photos are not coming to the Mac. I am running iOS 10.3.1 on my phone and version 10.12.4 on my Mac. But I do not see the photos being moved. I am on my home wi-fi network. Please help and thanks in advance.
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How Do I Move Photos Automatically From My iPhone To My Mac?
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First, consider using iCloud Photo Library instead of Photo Stream. iCloud Photo Library will automatically sync your photos between both places. It is the modern solution. Photo Stream is just a way of getting the most recent photos you take on your iPhone to your Mac. It doesn't "sync" the libraries.
See: https://www.apple.com/icloud/photos/
Now as to why Photo Stream isn't working for you, it is hard for me to say. Are both your devices logged in to exactly the same iCloud account? Are you looking at Photo Stream in the Photos app on your Mac -- they won't appear in your library, just Photo Stream. Is your iPhone charged and plugged in?
Is Photo Stream a separate app? Sorry for the remedial question. I do click on Photo Stream in Photos and do not see it. I think I am going to change to use the iCloud Library.
Someone posted the Apple Forum about the Camera App on the phone needing to be off, Photos on the Mac active, and wifi on. But I can't figure what triggers this on and off.
Gene: Photo Stream is just a shared album in the Photos app on Mac and iOS. Not sure if it appears under Albums or Shared in iOS since I don't use Photo Stream anymore. On Mac, it should appear in the left sidebar.
Not sure what that post you mention was about. You should be connected to wifi, and possible plugged into power and well-charged up.
I don't use much data so why should I use iCloud which seems to complicate my computer life, by constantly bugging me, when I don't need to?
Renji: iCloud should simplify things, not complicate them. It gets your data onto all of your devices without you needing to do anything manually. In what way does it "constantly bug you?"