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How Do I Print a List Of Site Names and Passwords Stored In My Keychain?

Macos 10.13.6
Only can print one at a time. Laborious!
Art C

Comments: 2 Responses to “How Do I Print a List Of Site Names and Passwords Stored In My Keychain?”

    7 years ago

    I don't think there is a way. Probably a security feature to prevent someone with a minute's access to your Mac from grabbing all of your passwords.

    If your plan is to have a hard copy of your passwords, then I'm not sure I have a good suggestion except to continue to copy them one at a time. Maybe just start with the most important ones.

    If the idea is to have a backup of your passwords that is not in the keychain, I do have this idea. Go to Safari, Preferences, Passwords. Notice that as you click on each one, you see the password displayed. Now do a screen recording using QuickTime Player of you going through and viewing each one. You can move quickly through them. Then save as a video to some external USB drive or something you then lock away.
    I wouldn't leave this file on your Mac or anything connected to the Internet. I'd only do it if it ends up on a disconnected drive locked away somewhere. Otherwise it is similar to having all of your passwords in a plain text file with little protection on it.

    This could be another reason to use something like 1Password over Keychain.

    Lloyd Garbutt
    7 years ago

    Why not use Pages make a list of your passwords, accounts names and other pertinent information. Then set a password and save the file. You could keep it on your Mac or save it to a separate disc or thumb drive. You can always add to it or alter the material in your password protected files.

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