I use Sierra with a 2010 MacBook Pro and want to sync Contacts, Calendar, and Reminders with my iPhone SE. And how do I get photos onto my iPhone from my laptop?
Anthony Porter
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How Do I Selectively Sync My iPhone To My MacBook Pro?
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You've got many choices as to how you can sync your contacts, events and reminders with your iPhone. The easiest way is to just use iCloud and let them ALL sync. Is there a good reason that you only want to sync some of the data? Data like this doesn't take up much space.
You can still manually sync your data via iTunes, but I don't think there is a way to select only some contacts, events or reminders. Maybe you can select some calendars and not others, if you are using multiple calendars. Try it.
As for photos, there are many ways to do it. Sounds like you may want to do the old method which is to use iTunes to sync your photos. You can select only certain albums to sync that way.
Try playing around with the options in iTunes when you select your phone. Look at the options you get and explore. I will see different things than you do since I'm using iCloud to sync all of my data, and iCloud Photo Library for photos instead of syncing.
How do I do this?: "The easiest way is to just use iCloud and let them ALL sync." How do I "use" iCloud? I need a video.
Anthony: Just turn it on. See https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207689