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How Do I Use Subscript In the Axis Labels In Numbers?

I try to use ‘subscript’ in the axis-labels from a diagram.

I’m using the diagrams from Numbers in a presentation document bij exporting them as pdf’s and importing them in indesign. I would like to use the subscript (if possible) directly in the axis labels in Numbers instead of adding them later in indesign.

Comments: One Response to “How Do I Use Subscript In the Axis Labels In Numbers?”

    10 months ago

    You can't. Looks like Subscript is not supported in those label chart fields.

    One alternative is to use the special subscript characters instead. That seems to work. So bring up the Emoji and Special Character Viewer (Command+Control+Space) and type the number, like 2. Then look at the various ones that come up. Look for the subscript 2: ₂ and use that. There are ones for each digit.

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