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How DoI Figure Out What iOS Apps Are Getting Bigger?

My iOS apps are growing.
I think it’s because of video or audio recorded in the app. When I use iTunes to tell me the size of the apps, the largest one it finds is Dictionary- 144 MB. But I know there’s information hoarding going on because the “other” space is also growing on my phone.
I ran out of room to shoot new photos do I dumped my entire photo library, but the space taken by Apps and Other have not dropped. So how do I find the hoarded data and export it off the phone?
Anthony Burokas

Comments: 2 Responses to “How DoI Figure Out What iOS Apps Are Getting Bigger?”

    12 years ago

    The place to find out which apps are using a lot of data is on the phone (or iPad) itself. Go to Settings. Then General, then Usage. The first part there is Storage and it should list all of your apps and how much data they are using. It even sorts them by amount of storage for you.
    You can tap on an app and sometimes get more detail. For instance, Photos & Camera for me shows a break-down between Camera Roll, Photo Library, and Photo Stream. The new Podcasts app actually breaks it down by podcast. But most apps just lump it all together as "Documents & Data." Probably only a few Apple-built apps have the ability to show you details.
    Now, unfortunately, you have no ability to do anything here by view the amount of space used, and delete the whole app and all of its data (for non-pre-installed apps only).
    So clearing out old data depends on the app itself. Some apps may have specific functions in them to clear out old data, or consolidate data. I don't know of an example of this.
    Other apps will have this built in to the way they work. For instance, with the Audible app, the audio books take up a lot of space, as you can imagine. So when I am done a book I will simply remove it from the app. The same for video editing or photo editing apps -- delete the content you have imported or created and it clears space.
    A more extreme measure is to delete the app, and then re-install it fresh. This clears out all of the data. Could be useful for apps that misbehave and continue to store data even after you have tried to clear it out.
    I should probably do a video on this.

    Anthony Burokas
    12 years ago

    Yup, that helped a bunch. Looks like I have a video editing app that's hoarding 1.9 GB even though I deleted all the projects from it. The next largest app is just 200 MB. Looks like I'll have to delete the app and reinstall it.

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