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How To Stop Partner’s Notes In MobileMe Column Of Notes On My iMac?

I have just opened Notes on my iMac and see that I have three columns to the left: iCloud Notes, MobileMe Notes, On My Mac Notes. As expected iCloud Notes has all my notes synced from my iOS devices, however MobileMe Notes has all my partner’s notes, right up to today’s notes.
I don’t understand why there is a MobileMe Notes section and why this is syncing to my partner’s iOS devices. This iMac is my computer, my partner is not a User. He has his own MacBook.
Could you please tell me how to turn this feature off or how to stop it syncing?
Many thanks.

Comments: 2 Responses to “How To Stop Partner’s Notes In MobileMe Column Of Notes On My iMac?”

    12 years ago

    Go to System Preferences. Then Mail, Contacts & Calendars. You'll most likely see your partner's account listed there. Select it and turn off notes. Or select it and remove it altogether.

    12 years ago

    Thank you so much Gary, that solution worked perfectly. I had been downloading my partner's mail for him on my iMac, but didn't realise that Notes was ticked in his MobileMe account. You have no idea how relieved I am that his notes are no longer on my iMac. Thanks again!!!

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