Comparing Icon, List and Column Views

Take a look at the advantages to using the three main Finder views: Icon, List and Column. What are the reasons you may choose one over the other?

Comments: 4 Responses to “Comparing Icon, List and Column Views”

    1 year ago

    I use List View the most, but in some cases I use Column View. The only place I like Icon View is on my Desktop (which is not as uncluttered as yours!). In List View, I often sort by date, with the newest files at the top.

    1 year ago

    I use list view with a preview column. I used to drag my files into the folder using the list column. One day I accidentally dropped the file into the preview column and the file disappeared. I checked the file folder and there it was in the folder. Not sure if you have covered this before but it sure has helped me.

    1 year ago

    List View 99.99% of the time is my preference. After watching your video, I added the Preview column, which helps immensely when the file name isn't as descriptive as it should be. Thanks, Gary!

    Clinton Hayes
    12 months ago

    I switch my views around but mainly have it on icon view and I have no idea why. As you say, probably because I've always used that view and a legacy of my Windows days. Now that I've watched your piece, I'll probably switch to Column view, which I never really use but it probably makes most sense. Thanks for the tips.

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