Is there a shortcut to inserting the date into a cell or selected cells?
In Excel I used use a key stroke to do this. Is there a keystroke option to insert date in Numbers?
J Vossos
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Yes. Well, sort of. You can go to the menu Insert, and then Date & Time.
Since it is a menu item, you can assign a keyboard shortcut to it with the System Preferences, Keyboard, Keyboard Shortcuts pane. See episode 244:
Thanks for that tip. I watched the video and went through the paces. Once I assigned the keyboard shortcut is would work when I immediately tested it, but then the next time I tried it, it didn't work. The shortcut shows on the "Date & Time" menu, but it just doesn't work. What might I be doing wrong?
Thanks again.
Not sure. Try it again. Check and double check. I tried this myself and it worked fine.
It works fine in when first tested, but them when open another sheet it no longer functions.
Thanks anyway, ... it was a good try.
It should work. I'd stick with it and see if you could troubleshoot the problem.
I have had this same problem. I created the same exact shortcut for the date and it worked for a few days, but then it stopped working. I have deleted and recreated it a few times and have even restarted the computer. Nothing seems to help.