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new macro laptop won’t load my old software

i have a new macbook pro and i’m trying to load my FCE and my Final Cut Studio and i get this message that pops up.
(You can’t open the application Final Cut Studio.mpkg because powerpc applications are no longer supported.)
What does that mean and how do i get my software loaded?
peter Lelievre

Comments: 5 Responses to “new macro laptop won’t load my old software”

    13 years ago

    Lion (Mac OS X 10.7) won't run software developer for pre-Intel Macs. The versions that you are trying to run must be very old versions, as both recent versions of FCSP and FCE run on Intel Macs. Which versions are they?
    Of course both of those have been replaced by Final Cut Pro X, which you can get at the Mac App Store.

    peter lelievre
    13 years ago

    I can't believe that my thousands of dollars software is no longer any good
    with my new computer.
    I wish i knew that before i put down another 3 grand on a computer.

      13 years ago

      But all software gets updated. OS X, Windows, Office, iWork, Photoshop, all other video editing tools, graphics tools, etc.
      If you had the more recent versions of those two programs, they would work. It is only because you have much older versions that they don't.

    13 years ago

    NICE WORK APPLE!! Just spent 000s and can't use my old version of FCP..have to BUY ANOTHER EH??? Fantastic..Just a little cog in the big MONEY JUNKIE machine..Discusting...Ethics are DEAD nowadays..PROFIT IS KING!!!

      13 years ago

      I don't understand the logic here. If profit was the reason behind this, and given that it is easy enough to determine whether the app can run on a given machine, that would see to encourage you to stick with your old machine (or return the new).
      As a software engineer I can see that there are good reasons to move software forward rather than to hold it back so it can work on older machines. This is especially true for "pro" software.

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