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What Web Creation Software Is Available for Mac?

Been looking around for some decent web creation software for my Mac. Please list a couple of applications.

Comments: 3 Responses to “What Web Creation Software Is Available for Mac?”

    13 years ago

    I'm not a fan of any web creation software. Software like Dreamweaver and GoLive were all the rage back in the 90s, but I feel the best way to develop almost any kind of web site is to use an CMS (content management system) like WordPress.
    See episode 566:
    For personal sites, I also lie Blogger ( and Google sites (
    There are plenty of WYSIWYG editors out there, though. Search the Mac App store for them. RapidWeaver is one I hear about from time-to-time. I've never tried it though, since I prefer CMS.

      Luis Anthony Ast
      13 years ago

      I have been using RapidWeaver for years. I love it! I recommend it to all who want to create their own web sites. The trick is to find the right "theme" to use for your site. Even using themes, you still have a great deal of flexibility to customize your site.

    13 years ago

    You can still mess with iWeb, but I am also completely Weodpress CMS at On the simple side, themes get you set up quick, but can become a bit limiting unless you self-host and customize the CSS.

    Another great thing about CMS-based sites, at least with wordpress, is that the can also render mobile & ipad versions of the site just by clicking a check box.

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