MacMost Now 480: iPhone Stocks App Alternatives

If you find the default Stocks app for the iPhone lacking, you may want to try some of these free alternatives. Each allows you to track your list of stocks. You can also get real-time quotes and news from your favorite financial news sources.

Apps featured in this video:
Real-Time Stocks
The Street
Thomson Reuters News Pro
Fox Business
CNBC Real-Time
Yahoo! Finance
DailyFinance (AOL)

Comments: 2 Responses to “MacMost Now 480: iPhone Stocks App Alternatives”

    14 years ago

    What about apps for Forex (currency trading)? Any suggestions?

      14 years ago

      I don't do any of that. But when I search for "forex" in the app store a lot comes up. I'm sure some of them must be good.

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