Learn How To Take a Proper Screenshot On a Mac In One Minute

Don't use your phone's camera to take a picture of your Mac's screen. Instead, use the built-in screen capture tool to take a clean detailed screenshot.

Comments: 12 Responses to “Learn How To Take a Proper Screenshot On a Mac In One Minute”

    11 months ago

    On my iMac (27-inch, Mid 2011) because its an older model - the latest I can equip it is 10.13.6 ---the Command-Shift-5 key does nothing for me - nothing happens. I assume its because you are referring the the latest OS? Only the C-S-3 & 4 works. Thanks

    11 months ago

    Victor: It has been around for a long time, actually, But OS X 10.13 is from 2017 so that's too old to have it.

    11 months ago

    Thanks bunches. Merry Christmas

    11 months ago

    MBP M2-Pro @ 14.2.1

    Q: Is there any way to change the default screenshots from PNG to JPG or anything else? I'd like to capture screens with a smaller KB/MB than the PNG format. Thanks.

    11 months ago

    Larry: You can do that with a terminal command:
    defaults write com.apple.screencapture type jpg;killall SystemUIServer

    11 months ago

    Hi Gary, Preview drives me crazy with its instance on making every PNG with an alpha channel. I figure if anyone knew how to stop this default setting it would be you. Thank you for all you do for the Apple community. ❤️👍

    11 months ago

    Lindy: What's the issue? What's wrong with having an alpha channel?

    Charlie Johnson
    11 months ago

    2023 Mac M3 chip: I can take the screenshot with the floating thumbnail but when I single click the thumbnail, the editing tool bar (markup, etc.) does not appear. What am I doing incorrectly?

    11 months ago

    Charlie: Do you see any tools at the top? Do you see the button to bring up the markup tools (circle with a pen tip in it)?

    11 months ago

    Thanks for responding.... I rarely need the image to be in alpha mode AND the images are larger. I can live with it... but if there is a way to turn it off when I don't need it that would be great. As it stands now I have to do each image individually. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    11 months ago

    LINDY: If there is nothing in the alpha channel (it is a completely opaque image) then it shouldn't be much larger. PNGs are compressed, so if the whole alpha channel is a bunch of 255 (maximum opaque) values then it should compress to almost nothing. I think if you really want 24-bit PNG images and you can't get that from Preview, then the solution is to switch to using a real image editing app like Pixelmator, Acorn, Affinity, Photoshop, etc.

    11 months ago

    Thank you so much for your reply and clarification, Gary - I have Affinity Photo! Excellent program!
    I dropped Adobe after they went for the subscription route.

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