Learn How To Properly Record Your Screen on a Mac in One Minute

Don't use your phone's camera to record your Mac's screen. Instead, use the built-in screen capture tool to make a nice clean recording.

Comments: 7 Responses to “Learn How To Properly Record Your Screen on a Mac in One Minute”

    Lynn Yarbrough
    1 year ago

    I finally got the video after a few tries, but there is no audio. You didn't mention audio in your tutorial, so I wonder if there is something I need to do to record the audio along with the video on the screen. Without the audio, this has only limited value. At least if I record it with the phone, I will have the audio as well as the video. I'm sure I missed something. Thanks.

    1 year ago

    Lynn: Right, there is the option to record from the microphone (you can see it in the video when I click on Options). But recording audio directly from the computer requires more than this. Most of the time if you are recording the screen for support or to demonstrate something, no audio is needed except maybe your own voice narrating.

    Jason Gold
    1 year ago

    Gary -- This is the first 1 minute posting I've seen. It's a great idea to remind us of simple useful tips. I hope you will do more.

    1 year ago

    Thanks Gary. In a future video it would be super useful to show how best to record your screen, with audio PLUS a mini live video of the presenter (as you did in this and other videos. I currently do it by setting up a Zoom call with just myself and then record it. But it is not as slick as your method. These are really useful for when submitting an online presentation. Thanks.

    1 year ago

    Bob: To do that, use ScreenFlow. It records camera and screen in separate tracks that can be edited independently. That's how I make my tutorials.

    David Walshe
    6 months ago

    Hi Gary, I took your advice and recorded a roughly one-minute video. But it's almost 100G, and I can't get MacMail to email it. Is this normal? Can I do a low-quality video (say, for my own use) that is small enough to email? How do people email videos that are 5, 10 + minutes and longer?

    6 months ago

    David: You should not be emailing a 100GB file. That's huge. Even if you can handle that on your end, the person on the other end would probably not be able to receive it. It is probably more than your or their email provider allows for an attachment. Even if not, it would take you a long time to upload it and them a long time to download it, even with a fast connection.
    Is it really 100GB for one minute? I tried it and a full screen recording was only about 70MB (not GB). Were you trying to do something like screen capture a full screen video that was playing? In that case, screen capture is not the right tool there. I would need to know more about exactly what you were doing to suggest a solution.

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