Look For and Fix Duplicate Passwords In Safari

Storing your passwords in Safari is a good idea as it allows you to use strong unique passwords for each site you visit. But if you still have some old passwords that are used at more than one site, you need to change that. Safari will show you if you are using a password at more than one site. You can use these warnings to fix these before they become a problem.

Comments: 10 Responses to “Look For and Fix Duplicate Passwords In Safari”

    Verne Westgate
    6 years ago

    If I change my password using the Safari password manager, will that change the password for use on my iPhone and iPad when I access that account? I often see the strong password recommended by Safari, but have ignored it because I want to be able to access the account on other devices without having to look it up each time.

    6 years ago

    Verne: If you are using iCloud Keychain then when you store a password on one device, it is available on all of your other devices.

    6 years ago

    Gary, Thanks so much for such a timely idea.
    I am trying to change my password at various sites and cannot figure out how to do so. Any thoughts? For instance I went to AA.com and pulled up my password but could not figure out how to change.
    Thanks so much

    6 years ago

    Cindy: Every site does it a little differently. For American Airlines, I was able to log in. Then I clicked on "Hello, Gary" at the top to get a small menu, and then I clicked "Your Account." Then on that screen I clicked Edit Account. Then there was a menu item for "Information and Password." Look for a link under Your Account on that page to "Change Your Password."

    6 years ago

    Can I delete the account itself instead of changing the user name and/or password if I no longer want an account on a particular site? I have lots of old/no longer used sites.

    6 years ago

    Judy: Interesting question. I assume you mean go to the site and request that they delete your account, as opposed to just deleting the password from Safari. I would expect that they would simply deactivate your account, but the record of it (with password) would still be there. So I would still never ever use that password again anywhere at all, ever. Other times it may be difficult to figure out how to delete the account. But as long as you don't use that password anywhere else, might as well try to get them to delete the account.

    6 years ago

    Sometimes the relevant site no longer exists or is no longer available. What to do in such a case, when changing the password for that site i not longer an option?

    6 years ago

    Theo: Nothing to do then except make sure that the password you previously used there is not being used anywhere else, ever. But that isn't a problem if you are using unqiue passwords everywhere.

    6 years ago

    Is Keychain connected to the PW manager in Safari? Also, are my passwords use on my iPhone apps kept in Keychain (and presumably not stored in Safari PW manager? Thanks!

    6 years ago

    Ted: Keychain is used to store the passwords, yes.

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