MacMost Now 862: Mac OS X Cat Names

Apple uses cat names to represent versions of OS X. It is important to know both the cat name and the version number of OS X that you are using. Sometimes you will hear or read the cat name, and sometimes the version number. So knowing which ones match which is important.

Comments: 10 Responses to “MacMost Now 862: Mac OS X Cat Names”

    11 years ago

    Just found your website and tutorials. Great job! Now I don't have to do what I've been thinking of doing because you're doing it for me. I've told everyone in my Mac user group (Prescott Mac User Group - and I hope they tune it.

    Ofay Cat
    11 years ago

    I have a MacBook and a 21 inch Mac desktop both with Snow Leopard. They both run so well and with solis state HDs, they are lightening fast. After about two years of use, they are trouble free. Why would I bother to upgrade?

      11 years ago

      An answer would be: new features. For instance, I don't know how I would ever go back to Snow Leopard now that I am used to things like iCloud, Versions, Reminders, Notifications Center, etc. A second answer would be: using new software. New versions of software and brand new apps will come out that are not compatible with older versions of OS X.

    Mr Anthony Cotton
    11 years ago

    I find the Cat names are irrelative,and I would stick to the what version it is, has it says on about this Mac. It does not mention a cat name there,so it can`t be that important.
    The only thing why Apple has a picture of a Cat,because it`s eye catching,and has you have shown in your video all the different types of Cats gets people to go and see them.
    I would also point out it`s a good sales gimmick,and I give them credit for that.

    11 years ago

    catamount is another name for a mountain lion

    11 years ago

    Not useful to me; very useful to those who are joining MAC community.
    I''m running version "something." Stay updated. It's painless. STAY BACKED UP with Time Machine. You will thank yourself when the inevitable hardware foible bites you!

    11 years ago

    I'm hoping for Mac OSX 10.9, "Grumpy Cat", though "Henri, le chat noir" would be acceptable. It's probably too late for "Keyboard Cat".

    11 years ago

    Maybe a good cat name for OSX 10.9.x would be "SabreTooth", denoting it is the strongest most powerful Mac OSX yet. Just IMHO...

    Colin Mitchell
    11 years ago

    Is there a list of the Mac OSX version numbers corresponding to the appropriate cat. For example: OSX 10.9 - Cheshire. When you're trying to figure out what version you have and some says "Oh Jaguar or Snow Leopard" it has no relevence to the actual numbers of the OS. It's a good marketing move but very frustrating when you just want to figure out what the next/previous OS version is.

    Thank you


      11 years ago

      That's why I created this video. Or, look at the list on Wikipedia.
      Cat names will end with OS X 10.8, as 10.9 is named after a California landmark (Mavericks).

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