MacMost Live: Creating a Newsletter In Pages

Watch as I build a printable PDF newsletter in Mac Pages. I'll use Page Layout mode to add tex boxes, link them, add images, captions, graphic elements and more.
Video transcript available soon.

Comments: 5 Responses to “MacMost Live: Creating a Newsletter In Pages”

    Ruth Burig
    4 years ago

    How do I add page numbers in multiple page newsletters?

    4 years ago

    Ruth: You could use the header or footer for that just like a normal document. Or, just do it manually. Whichever is easier for you.

    Janet Sutta
    3 years ago

    Hi Gary, Thank you for this wonderful tutorial. I've been using it and getting a newsletter into circulation in the past year. 1 suggestion.
    Could you post a list of the topics included in this newsletter with the time that each one starts. (ie: 17:42 Adding a column in a text box)

    I remember methods topics that I saw the 1st or 2nd time I watched but it's hard to find them again without watching the whole video and I'm short of time.

    Janet Sutta
    3 years ago

    Hi Gary, This is related to my last question, I remember seeing an explanation of how to give words, like "names" that appear haphazardly through the text to give "all of them" a special type face or color at the same time by highlighting them as I write them in and then giving the instruction to "Highlight X" and all the names get reformatted together. Can you tell me which video this information is on? or if it's in the Creating a Newsletter in Pages tutorial, which number it starts at?

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