macOS Remove Background Tips and Tricks

A new feature in macOS Ventura is the ability to copy the subject from an image or remove the background. You can use this in many different apps in a variety of ways. Learn how to make clean Contacts and social media pictures, replace the background of an image, create folder icons, and much more.

Comments: 14 Responses to “macOS Remove Background Tips and Tricks”

    2 years ago

    Excellent tutorial Gary! This feature alone is a good reason to upgrade to Ventura.

    Willem den Hartog
    2 years ago

    Hi Gary. Copy the map icon to preview is not going to work in my situation. It must be okay but in Ventura with my Macbook Pro 14" What am i doing wrong, you think?

    2 years ago

    Willem den Hartog: Not sure what you are trying to do. What do you mean, exactly, by "the map icon." Map icon from where? What are you selecting to copy, exactly?

    2 years ago

    Creative and helpful, Gary; thanks!

    John R
    2 years ago

    I've used the new silhouette tool in Ventura, but did not realize all the new menu selections. Thanks to your thorough tutorial I do now. Appreciate you sharing this knowledge.

    Willem den Hartog
    2 years ago

    I ment from point 7:40 in the video. Copying the map icon in info isn't possible for me. The clipboard stays empty. So it's also impossible to copy the icon to preview.

    2 years ago

    Willem den Hartog: So you select a folder in the Finder. You use Command+i to Get Info. Then you click on the icon in the upper left corner (do you see it selected with a halo?) Then you use Command+C to copy. Then in Preview you use File, New From Clipboard. That doesn't work? Maybe try another folder? What is the word "map" referring to in your queries?

    Willem den Hartog
    2 years ago

    I did exactly what you showed in the video. In Preview New from Clipboard was not possible (greyed out). I started to make a new blanco map in Desktop that I used for this. In Info the icon was selected with a halo. Tried diferent maps. None of them did what you showed us. I could change the complete map icon in Info but thats something completely different.

    2 years ago

    Willem den Hartog: Still no getting what you mean by "maps." Try it with a FOLDER icon to test. Your last sentence is also confusing to me.

    Willem den Hartog
    2 years ago

    Sorry I'm from the Netherlands and indeed our map is a folder to you. So Map=Folder. When I use Command+i and select the folder icon (the halo appears) then I can exchange the icon for just another smal png picture. But thats not what you did. You kept the Folder image and used an other image on top of the Folder image. That what I can't do because it's impossible for me to use "New from Clipboard" inn Preview.

    2 years ago

    Willem den Hartog: Ah, OK. So map=folder. Sorry, but I don't know why File, New From Clipboard isn't working for you when you copy a folder icon like that. Should be standard basic functionality. I've never seen it not work.

    Willem den Hartog
    2 years ago

    Think I found the problem because I know can do it correctly. I fooled around a bit with Preview to check copy and new from Clipboard. Seems that Preview was hangin' somewhere or so. Luckily it's unlocked now and can I produce a Folder icon with any picture I like. Thanks for putting me on track of my issue.

    Joe Grillo
    2 years ago

    Why am I getting a gray and white background when I remove the background

    2 years ago

    Joe: Need more details. Which app are you using and which command to remove the background? By gray and white do you mean a checkerboard pattern?

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